TOP 15 – 13/2022

Diese Woche unter anderem mit Marius Bear, Florence + The Machine, twenty one pilots, Emeli Sandé und Kraftklub.
1NEUKraftklubEin Song reicht
2NEUEmeli SandéThere Isn't Much
3twenty one pilotsThe Outside
4NEUFlorence + The MachineMy Love (Dave Glass Animals Remix)
5Marius BearEasy
6NEUJeans for Jesuschez toi
7NEUSam Vance-LawGet Out
8Alice MertonSame Team
9NEUTotally Enormous Extinct DinosaursBlood In The Snow
10NEUAlfie TemplemanLeaving Today
11WandaRocking in Wien
14Esther Graf & Monet192Nie begegnet
15Máni OrrasonCoffin

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