TOP 15 – 9/2022

Diese Woche unter anderem mit Stromae, Florence + The Machine, Josef Salvat, Jeans for Jesus und Alice Merton.
1NEUAlice MertonSame Team
2NEUJeans for Jesus feat. Barulumières
3Josef SalvatIslands
4Florence + The MachineKing
5NEUStromaeFils de joie
601099 feat. Miksu / Macloud2000er
7MetronomyRight on time
8Portugal. The ManWhat, Me Worry?
9SOFI TUKKEROriginal Sin
10BastilleBack to the Future
11Máni OrrasonCoffin
12NEUKontra K, Capital Bra & Kalazh44STOP WARS
13Red Hot Chili PeppersBlack Summer
14Ed Sheeran feat. Bring Me the HorizonBad Habits
15Noga ErezIndustry Baby

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