TOP 15 – 5/2022

Diese Woche unter anderem mit Stiller Has, Bastille, Arlo Parks, Noga Erez und Purple Disco Machine & Sophie and the Giants.
1Purple Disco Machine & Sophie and the GiantsIn The Dark
2NEUArlo ParksSoftly
3Noga ErezIndustry Baby
4NEUBastilleBack to the Future
5NEUStiller HasFäderliecht
6MetronomyThings will be fine
7NEURöyksopp feat. Alison GoldfrappImpossible
801099, Paul & GustavJacke zu
9BonoboAge Of Phase
11NEUAlfie TemplemanBroken
12Maeckes, Danger Dan, Edgar Wasser & Fatoni1234 Refill
13The Knocks feat. Totally Enormous Extinct DinosaursWalking On Water
14DigitalismHottest Record in the World
15James MorrisonDon't Mess With Love

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