TOP 15 – 2/2022

Diese Woche unter anderem mit 01099, Paul & Gustav, Monet192, Metronomy, Bob Moses und The Knocks feat. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs.
1NEUThe Knocks feat. Totally Enormous Extinct DinosaursWalking On Water
2NEUBob MosesLove Brand New
3NEUMetronomyThings will be fine
5NEU01099, Paul & GustavJacke zu
6FoalsWake Me Up
7HalseyPeople Disappear Here
8NEUBonoboAge Of Phase
9Biandapid feat. JunesEndorphins
10MeganFäden (Studio Live Session)
11Rofi JamesBerlin Wall
12James MorrisonDon't Mess With Love
14Leslie ClioGood Trouble
15NEUBastilleShut Off the Lights

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