TOP 15 – 44/2021

Diese Woche unter anderem mit Lorde, Duran Duran feat. Tove Lo, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Casper feat. Tua und RIN.
2Casper feat. TuaTNT
3NEUTotally Enormous Extinct DinosaursThe Distance
4Duran Duran feat. Tove LoGive It All Up
5NEULordeHold No Grudge
601099, Gustav und Zachi feat. AVODies & Das
7NEUPost Malone & The WeekndOne Right Now
8MetronomyIt's good to be back
9Cheat Codes, Oli Sykes & Bring Me the HorizonDummy
10ZazLes jours hereux
11Alice MertonIsland
13NEUCharli XCX feat. Christine and the Queens & Caroline PolachekNew Shapes
14CRIMERFalling Apart
15AdeleEasy On Me

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